Thursday, December 27, 2007


There are some fuel alternatives that do not represent a boondoggle the way that ethanol does. But this is a boondoggle and I've seen this kind of thing happen before. I remember a long while ago in 1965 or so, that local farmers in nearby Montezuma were cajoled by large investment promises to plant ...

'Sugar Beets'

Sugar beets would be the thing to grow. I have forgotten what industry was associated with the need for these sugar beets. My gut tells me it was the soft drink industry. It had something to do with U.S. foreign policy regarding Cuban imports as well. Sugar beets were, at that time, being talked about as the greatest possibility of making money in agriculture in these parts. The large investor (big money to Montezuma NY.) built a huge industrial complex. (Large for the rural area it was situated in.) And then left. A lot of people ended up with sugar beets they needed to find a market for.

Many food producers had switched to growing sugar beets because of governement and capital assurances that this was a really wise thing to do. I imagine they were also told that they would be helping to fight communism too. Today it would be involved with Homeland Security or something along those lines.

They all got left holding the bag in Montezuma NY. The governments misguided foreign policy created hardships for its citizens. What do you do when you have no market for your crop? A bio-fuel primer. This link has nothing to do with sugar beets but it will introduce you to a source of energy that has the possibilities of revolutionizing your life.

The sugar beet scam has made its mark in the region of Montezuma and is now sung about in songs recording the folk lore of the area. At this link you can read a little history and hear a song written about the Sugar Beet Scam of Montezuma

There is more to come concerning bio-fuels.

This site is dedicated to removing the invisible chains. We'll look at more alternative sources of energy as the time allows.

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