Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Bottom Of The Heap With the Foot Of Ethanol On Their Face

When we arrive there, the future will be seen to be the result of a series of steps taken by those who directed the course of society by the use of their specialized logic. Part of the purpose of this blog is to show how pernicious that logic is. The disgusting details of our path to where we are now become unavoidable as we recall them.

The lessons learned are begging to be implemented. We have the ability as collective humanity to recognize it for what it is. Stating the obvious is sometimes so radical a thing to do it sounds treasonous. Sometimes it is necessary if you want to see another generation or two appear.

There are reasons we don't criticize ourselves to harshly. As a new influx of immigrants, those who would become Americans began to dispossess those they found living here as soon as it became necessary. In the place they came from such activity was considered a crime. People as young as 9 were routinely sentenced to death or prison where they would be abused physically and sexually. This was common practice for crimes like burglary and petty theft. They weren't there anymore.

The new immigrants arrived with the attitude that they were on God's side or vice versa. It really doesn't matter. Apparently they felt 'Thou Shalt Not Steal' did not apply to them in the New World. After all He was leading 'them' to the Promised Land.

They soon came to a corporate opinion of themselves and the place they occupied in history. Along with this came the need to secure their future. It could be viewed as a national megalomania by someone looking on from outside as the nation rallied around the sentiment. This spirit that enchanted the entire nation from the poorest to the richest declared its Manifest Destiny.

It didn't matter if there were others already there. Those that were already there were heathen

It didn't matter to the immigrants, their God had done things like that before. This was providence. Any fool could see that." Go west young man."

Transplanting this sentiment onto American soil enabled them to influence the entire course of history. Since then behaving like this is generally identified as imperialism or 'just deserts', depending on who is making the accusation or plea for help.

That provides an important lesson about the nature of society, any society. What is generally understood to be 'SO' is first created in your mind by concepts someone else has given you. Then it becomes real in the physical world as those in the society labor to support it. Any organization like this becomes more efficient as time goes on.

If you know anything about scams you know that the ethanol initiative is a scam. It is a scam proposed by U.S. foreign policy and now penetrated into virtually every part of the world capable of growing the necessary crops,. Ethanol production is having the same effects of torture and virtual slavery associated with trade and monopoly capital in the past.

Bloomberg T.V January 24th at 7 and 9 pm will show a documentary on the abuse of the bottom level workers in the ethanol industry including also the toll on our precariously situated environment. There is a short trailer from the documentary that will air on Bloomberg TV January 24.
Deadly Brew: the human toll of ethanol. Click here.

The Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association has responded. Despite the evidence, Brazill maintains that ethanol is a blessing.

"There is no reasonable explanation for phrases like 'cars run on
blood' or 'Brazil entering its industrial revolution' finding
their way
into a report produced by Bloomberg, leaving the
impression that its
professionals are not aware of what goes on in
Brazil, including its
current stage of industrialization.'

This is an essential document in that it aids in understanding how the
kind of decisions that result in the conditions of the sugarcane industry
are made and how the results are evaluated. When you are able to look at
the links you'll see about the conditions involving sugar cane production
in general. After seeing how the industry works in the countries it is
springing up in you will be able to better evaluate this industry response
and draw a conclusion as to the nature of those who think this way.
"Carlos worked with his father. As far as the owners of the plantations are concerned, he and many of the other children who cut cane are “helpers,” not employees. “They didn’t pay me; they paid my father,” he told us. “There are many children working with their fathers.”2 Characterizing the youngest children as “helpers” is convenient for employers—the minimum working age is fourteen in El Salvador, and both the labor code and international law forbid the employment of any child under eighteen in harmful or hazardous labor. We asked seventeen-year-old Moises B. if the foremen know the ages of their workers. “When people share the tarea they give you, then, yes, they know,” he said, telling us that plantation foremen know that some workers are under the legal working age. “Age doesn’t matter to them. What matters is the work that a person can do.”

Cutting cane is backbreaking work, and accidents are common. “There’s a high level of risk in sugar,” said Benjamin Smith, principal technical advisor with the International Labour Organization (ILO) in El Salvador, noting that sugarcane workers labor in direct sunlight and use machetes and other sharp tools. In addition, because cane is often burned before it is cut to clear away leaves, workers risk smoke inhalation and sometimes suffer burns on their feet.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, a former labor inspector told Human Rights Watch that of all forms of agricultural work, sugarcane is the most hazardous. “Sugarcane has the most risks,” he said. “It’s indisputable—sugarcane is the most dangerous."

I wonder how a Christian or otherwise quasi religious person, or good old ethical human person could see or know of such things and then agree to participate. By doing so there seems to be an intentional blindness that results in the validation of the atrocities committed against these people. Everyday those creating the circumstances that result in experiences like this are making vast amounts of money as a result of the control of these activities.

The ability to logically regard the entire environment as a Collateral Damage zone when balanced against their priorities makes them a difficult entity to deal with. This is true because we are accustomed to viewing events through a common lens that as a culture we have agreed upon is the way things should be. And we have agreed upon a common picture of what we're up to.
Being able to avoid that influence and see things for what they are in a larger field of activity can bring about a different consensus. That is the only hope we, as humans have in the political sphere. It is often difficult to shake a long held belief that everyone around you refers to as the truth, even when the evidence is quite convincing. This is because the prior belief system precludes the obvious conclusion from being reached.

The enterprise entered upon by those who control the world through economic policies becomes criminal when it is juxtaposed to what the majority of humans regard as common human decency.

The way it expressed itself was interpreted through the common lens the world is generally viewed with. Today, thanks to the Internet there is more than one lens available to look through.
Brazil is one place to begin to look. But you will find this happening all over the world. The disenfranchised exploited, the planet ravished, and money being made hand over fist by a very few. This is how our society expresses itself based on its inherent logic. One only need to look to what occurred in England when the Industrial Revolution got underway. The amount of raw materials required was staggering once the steam engine transformed the enterprise. Along with that transportation systems needed to be in place. The railroad was initiated to augment the shipping by sea as unheard of amounts of natural resources were needed. The worker suffered greatly under the conditions that resulted from this economic expansion, and the simultaneous shock associated with the transformation of society in general, from rural to urban. 

Jump ahead to today and the same process has changed only by refining itself and its techniques to greater degrees of control over the natural resources of the world. John Perkins describes the way the process has been transformed perfectly in the book "Confessions Of An Economic Hitman". It doesn't matter to those involved in the operations of this and other scams who will be hurt.

That's the way it looks from here.

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